Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sustainable & Disruptive Technologies

So, the post I am supposed to write about is my favourite sustainable and disruptive technology, however I shall touch base with both of those sujects. I am choosing to talk about Facebook because I find myself a procrastinator and Facebook helps me along to continue wasting useful time, but I still love it.

There are plenty sustainable technologies, however many of them have become disruptive. I find that technology is here to help us make our lives easier and less complex, but it has to be used in MODERATION.

For example, a sustainable technology turned disruptive technology used to be Facebook. This networking site was only offered to people of college/university students age and up because it helped them keep in contact with friends/family around the world. This worked out quite well, then younger teenagers started getting accounts and Facebook was literally, all over the world. Kids and adults of all ages has facebook (infant-100). I find that still quite sustainable because, as long as you're not adding me and annoying me, I'm content. However, Facebook is very disruptive because it is a great distraction from continuing priorites. I have found myself just "creeping" other friends' profiles when I know fully well that I should have been studying. Facebook distractions are so well known now that it is even being recognized by user's across the globe with groups being created along the lines of- "Facebook is the BIGGEST distraction EVER". Here is the description of the group: "You've got loads of homework and you say to yourself- "I'm just gonna check to see if I have any notifications"...2 hours later "I'm gonna come off and do my homework"...5 minutes later- BACK ON FACEBOOK!"

Clearly, Facebook's technology has become very disruptive. You just have to limit yourself and stick to it, if you can't do that-you may have an addiction.

My Business Process- Enrolling With Sheridan College

Today, I am going to describe for you- the business process I had to endure while choosing Sheridan College to further pursue my post-secondary education. There are four components to a business process. They are as follows:

  1. Activities- Go onto the website, apply to Sheridan College for Human Resources, everything was online at this point (automated)

  2. Resources- Sheridan Website , other Sheridan students ("customers") were on Facebook groups therefore I found out if I really wanted to attend Sheridan

  3. Facilities-Structures within Sheridan are the Financial Aid office. This is where I went to obtain my OSAP and bursary

  4. Information- I knew I wanted to go to Sheridan College once I saw the statistics for job placements upon graduation on the Sheridan website


My IS Day

In the past 24 hours I have uploaded songs to my Ipod. Five components to using this IS system is as follows:

  1. Hardware: Laptop, Ipod, USB connector
  2. Software: Itunes and Windows Vista
  3. Data: Username/Password for Windows
  4. Procedures: Open laptop, turn laptop on, sign on to Windows using user/pass, open Itunes, get USB connector- attach it to Ipod and USB slot, wait for it to sync.
  5. People: Myself or oneself


A Business Leader I Admire

A leader in business I have had the opportunity to learn about over the past few years in my business courses is Richard Branson. His leadership skills launched his small time newspaper after dropping out of high school to a powerful corporation worth billions of dollars, with his own personal net worth being around $2.5 billion. He has many attributes about him that has made him the leader he is today. His personality and his treatment of his employees make him an outstanding leader. His personality and marketing ability to make customers attracted to his product combined with his employees first, customers second mentality is an outstanding blend that he brought to the business world. He motivates customers, while at the same time motivating his employees, and I believe that motivation (besides a desirable product) is the engine towards turning a profit. It is as simple as he states it, “If your employees are happy, they will do a better job. If they do a better job, the customers will be happy, and thus business will be good and the shareholders will be rewarded.” A good read on Mr. Branson can be found here.

My Employment History

As mentioned before, I have worked at McDonalds for all of my legal working age life. Prior to my employment at McDonalds I temporarily delivered the Mississauga News and the Pennysaver (if you know what that is). I also had a cup of coffee at SportChek for about a month during their Christmas hours, where I was laid off in the New Year :(


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Personal Goals

Right now, I have short and long term goals. A short term goal I have been working very hard towards, is attaining the position of Swing Manager at McDonalds. This position is important to me to accomplish. Being in a position where I am in control of people will be a huge advantage in my future human resources career. While working part time at McDonalds I am also putting forth a greater effort this semester to have an increased average of last term by 6%.

A long term goal of mine is to graduate with honours from Sheridan with a Human Resources Diploma, while receiving an H.R. Certificate (The CHRP). I also would like to look into transferring into a university program in my field to further my education, and of course, to increase my salary.

For more information on the eventual designation I am working towards, visit the HRPA site if you are interested.


About Kelly

Hi, my name is Kelly. This is my first year at Sheridan College and I am a prospering Human Resource major. Some hobbies I enjoy are driving to new places, meeting and interacting with new people, and writing short journals. I work at McDonald’s, I’ve been there for 4 years and I am a Team Leader there hoping to move up to into head office when my experience at Sheridan is over and my HR certificate is rewarded.
I am always looking to network so if you like feel free to check out my Facebook page anytime.
Feel free to look around everywheree!
