Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sustainable & Disruptive Technologies

So, the post I am supposed to write about is my favourite sustainable and disruptive technology, however I shall touch base with both of those sujects. I am choosing to talk about Facebook because I find myself a procrastinator and Facebook helps me along to continue wasting useful time, but I still love it.

There are plenty sustainable technologies, however many of them have become disruptive. I find that technology is here to help us make our lives easier and less complex, but it has to be used in MODERATION.

For example, a sustainable technology turned disruptive technology used to be Facebook. This networking site was only offered to people of college/university students age and up because it helped them keep in contact with friends/family around the world. This worked out quite well, then younger teenagers started getting accounts and Facebook was literally, all over the world. Kids and adults of all ages has facebook (infant-100). I find that still quite sustainable because, as long as you're not adding me and annoying me, I'm content. However, Facebook is very disruptive because it is a great distraction from continuing priorites. I have found myself just "creeping" other friends' profiles when I know fully well that I should have been studying. Facebook distractions are so well known now that it is even being recognized by user's across the globe with groups being created along the lines of- "Facebook is the BIGGEST distraction EVER". Here is the description of the group: "You've got loads of homework and you say to yourself- "I'm just gonna check to see if I have any notifications"...2 hours later "I'm gonna come off and do my homework"...5 minutes later- BACK ON FACEBOOK!"

Clearly, Facebook's technology has become very disruptive. You just have to limit yourself and stick to it, if you can't do that-you may have an addiction.

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